Upcoming Events
Join us Sunday mornings at 8:30am for a traditional service, 10:30am for a modern service (Sunday School offered at modern service ages 3-12), or 9:30am for coffee and snack fellowship!
Youth Group – October 13th, 2024 @ 3pm
Youth Group at Hope is open to any and all Middle and High School students!  We’ll meet in Reese Hall for snacks and discussion, followed by a fun activity

Trunk or Treat – Saturday, October 26th  @ 3pm

Kids, put your favorite costume on and join us for a fun time of trick or treating & some fun Halloween games!  Adults, feel free to dress up too!  If you would like to decorate your trunk or set up a game to play, please arrive by 2:15.

Shipshape 4 Christ – Mondays & Thursdays from 9-10am
Join us if you want to maintain flexibility, have your clothes fit better, feel good about yourself, enjoy making friends, and like a great deal!
Participation is free, exercise at your own pace. Mondays and Thursdays in Reese Hall from 9 until 10 AM. You will need water, weights and a mat. Wear comfortable clothing and expect to have fun.
Women’s Bible Study – Mondays at 6:30pm
You are welcome to join the Women’s Monday Night Bible Study. We meet each week at 6:30 PM in Reese Hall and have deep, meaningful conversations about our faith.
Men’s Bible Study – Tuesdays at 6:30pm
Join us as we read through the bible and discuss it each week. Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM in the Community Room.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study– Wednesdays at 9:30am
Join us Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM. We meet in the Community Room in the Main Building and have wonderful discussions about the bible and our faith.  No July 2024 Bible Study

Craft Night – 1st Friday of every month 6pm                                            Bring your favorite craft and a snack to share if you’d like to!                                                              


Any questions about events can be directed to either:
The Church Office at 269-663-5321
Pastor Rob at 574-261-5139